Saturday 22 July 2006

Mega Sale!!!

Tis the season to spend spend spend!

Today is the official launching of the nationwide Mega Sale, where supposedly everything in the country goes for a discounted price. Yeah right. I've fallen for it before, but it's not going to stop me from shopping. And it's happening right on my office doorstep.

Note to self: Suria KLCC 3-hour spendilicious sale on Monday 6 pm. I'm going to buy me these:
  1. A nice, proper watch for work. The one I'm wearing has become Nuaim's teething toy, despite him being beyond the teething phase by at least 18 months.
  2. Those lovely Hush Puppies shoes with the cute bows, even if they're not on sale. I can fully justify buying them, and I'll win the argument. I was a champion debater, you know.
Better make sure I buy - I mean, wear - nice comfortable shoes to be able to quickly grab those nice, comfortable shoes with the cute bows...

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