Friday 7 May 2010

07.05.03 - 7 years on

Today is my wedding anniversary. We celebrated by spring cleaning our bedroom to await the arrival of the baby. Correction - Hubby spring cleaned the room while I spent time watching various cartoon shows and mediating fights among the kids. Since we've already had a fancy-ish dinner a few days ago (I was so sure the baby was going to come early!), tonight's anniversary dinner will be Hubby's own home-made roti canai. Sungguh romantik!

Despite my earlier prediction that Baby was going to arrive before the due date of 9th May, there's still no sign apart from the irregular contractions. My hospital bag is packed, I've been nesting like crazy (or maybe it's just a manifestation of my natural obsession with tidiness and order) and my legs are so tired I can hardly stand for more than 5 minutes - yet I'm still a good 60+ kg in weight and probably 60+ inches in girth.

Maybe my decision to take early leave, coupled with the intent to get Hubby to spoil me rotten to make up for all those months in Sudan has left me so complacent that Baby decided to do the same. Maybe it's because I was too relaxed during this pregnancy, compared to the previous ones (which always coincided with peak project periods). Or maybe Baby wants to present itself as a Mother's Day gift, which this year coincidentally falls on the same day as my EDD. Or I'll get my wish for a nice birthdate i.e. 10.05.10, to follow the pattern of Nu'man and Aiesyah's.

Whatever it is, I hope and pray for the best. And that Hubby will be around to accompany me in the labour room.

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