Saturday 15 September 2007

Ramadhan 2007

Alhamdulillah, it's the third day of Ramadhan and so far I've managed to fast - despite not having rice for sahur. The first day I was okay until after iftar, which I had at Mak Long's house. Maybe it was the combination of the heat and the choice of clothing (black abaya) that made me a bit weary. Second day was good - although I momentarily forgot I was fasting and bit into a strawberry that a neighbour had presented to my son. Remembered just in time before I actually managed to swallow anything (is that fortunate or not? Hmmm...). And today, despite having to wait an extra hour for my kitchen cabinet installer to arrive at my 'under renovation' house in TTDI Jaya, I completed the fast.

This month is special, as always, but it's extra special this year, because my third child, my first girl (according to my doctor) is going to be born soon. Although my EDD is on Aidil Fitri itself, wich also happens to coincide with my sister's birthday, she might be born earlier. It's already wearisome for me to walk about in the house, let alone attend tarawih prayers at the mosque, but I've got so many things to accomplish before I can hang up my office tag, hang up my phone and say, "Okay, doc, you can wheel me into the labour room now."

I pray to Allah to give me the strength and sustenance to carry on, finish whatever I have to do, and go through a safe and trouble-free labour. Amin...

1 comment:

Ghazali said...


I doakan agar you selamat melahirkan puteri sulong ... mudah mudahan dia menjadi serikandi Islam .... menjadi contoh buat umat sejagat ....

Dan I doakan juga, agar Arif will be there for you .....

Hang on there ... you will make it!

And my regards to your growing up boys ....