Wednesday 26 September 2007

Nurin Jazlin - Negligence or Just Sick Criminals?

There've been so many opinions and newsbites about Nurin Jazlin's case in the papers and other blogs. Lately, of course, is the much-debated statements by our esteemed leaders that the parents can be charged for negligence. I only have this to say to Mr Minister:
There's a kidnapper/rapist/killer still out there on the loose, so till that guy is captured and brought to justice, can I charge the government or police for negligence too?
Haven't the parents already suffered more than enough? I'm a parent myself, so I know what the parents are going through. They're probably spending many sleepless nights blaming themselves for not being able to do more, wishing that somehow they'd be able to turn back time and stop her from going off on her own that fateful night. If it's negligence, losing their child is the ultimate punishment.
When I was in primary school, I used to walk to and back from school all on my own. The only thing I had to worry about then was a neighbour's dog barking at me from behind the gates. My mum used to tell stories of how she had to walk through overgrown thickets to get to school, and no one gave two hoots about it. It was safe then for kids to go off on their own, we see images of it on TV all the time in commercials or movies set in yesteryears. Having the times of their lives, exploring the great outdoors and taking risks. And if those kids grew up to become educated, law-abiding, well-mannered yet highly professional and motivated citizens of today, why should I raise my children differently?
But what's happened to the world today? Why is it not safe anymore? Why are child kidnappings and murders so rampant? Why is crime on the increase? Where did we go wrong? How did those criminals turn out the way they are? Are they just bad seeds, is it the environment that's turned them into what they are, what happened to affect them in such a way?

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