Saturday 30 September 2006

Where's my IPTV?

I received a mailer from my ISP last month informing me that I am one of the selected few to receive free Internet TV for 3 months. Initially I wasn't too keen, since I'm hardly living in my own house with my husband out of the country (I know, 30 years old, married, got two kids and still staying with parents is so uncool) and even when I do go home we hardly watch TV. But then it's free, and who knows there might be some good programmes on, so I said yes.

An installation contractor for the ISP called me a couple of days ago, and agreed to come over to my condo this morning at 9.00 a.m. to set the thing up. I had to drag myself out of bed, away from my cuddly boys and back here in Damansara Perdana. Might as well get the place all cleaned up and everything. Fortunately, there wasn't much too do except sort out my bills while I wait for the guy to come over. When it was 10.30 and the installer hadn't arrived or called, I rang up the ISP and was told that my appointment was actually for 10.00. So, already half hour gone but no one's ringing my doorbell yet. Finally the contractor called and said he's on the way, will be here at 11.00. Well, it's almost noon and he's not here yet.

Speak of the devil. He's HERE!

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