Sunday 12 March 2006

The Glass is Half Full

Despite the company about to close and everyone around me being apprehensive about where they're all going, I can't help but feel optimistic about the future. Sure, people are reminiscing about the good old days, the friendships (and marriages) that have been formed along the way - and there is that sad feeling of course that everything you've worked for and dreamed of is not exactly working out the way you wanted it to be. But there's a great big world out there, even within the Group corporate structure, that's offering so many different opportunities. It's just a matter of looking at all the options available, and choosing which one suits you and your circumstances best.

Besides, after moaning and raging for the first few weeks, it is time to move on. One doesn't really expect to stay in the same place for years. But then again, a lot of senior people in the company have been there since day one about 13 years ago, so maybe that speaks for something. I suppose it was the nature of the job - being project-oriented, the work takes you to different places, working with different people (sometimes different nationalities) and of course there is always the outstation allowance that is so, so desirable to everyone else on the outside looking in.

But it's never been about the money for me (haha, I may be singing a different tune when I end up in Kerteh or Bintulu without that extra RM4000 a month), but always the experience of meeting people and learning something new every day. And that's something that's being offered to me on a plate at this moment.

So what's left to do? Carpe diem!


Unknown said...

Hello Ain's sister!
Thanks for dropping by! Hope things work out in the end --- change is always good after 13 years. Time to get excited about new opportunities, don't you think?

Dian said...

Thanks for dropping by!
Actually for me it's only been 6 years, and it only feels like 4 (where the 2 years in between went, I dunno). But you can't stop the Tsunami, so just have to ride it.

Anonymous said...

Dian, well that's one good attitude of looking at the situation. Guess what, after all that Tsunami that I've gone thru in IT, skang ni kat this new OPU pun kena again. *sigh* What's the odd of that happening, eh?

But like you said, the glass is half full. Kan?

*sigh* still...
