Friday 10 March 2006

Blogger's block

Bored. And boring.

I'm trying to recall what actually inspired me to start blogging. I love reading other people's blogs - some are funny and witty, others poignant. Some blogs help me keep in touch with friends who are far and away beyond the shores of Malaysia. Like novels, when I read something good, I feel an urge to write too, hoping that, without imitating the style, I can be as funny or witty or emotionally engaging as these bloggers who get 30+ comments to a post.

But, I have to admit, I'm a lame writer. Most of what I write are everyday, mundane things that don't really affect anyone else but me. The only reason I use the Web instead of a handwritten journal is because I'm so used to typing that penmanship tires me out (plus my handwriting has gone from mediocre to illegible). And even if the subject matter does have a larger impact, other people have written about it in a bigger and better way. So maybe I'm just one of those people who are taking up much-needed cyberspace that could be put to better use serving the community or generating some business.

I suppose blogging is just a manner of keeping a journal for me, albeit it's no longer private as I don't hide behind a pseudonym or alter-ego. It's also a way to let my friends know what's happening - some of them complain that it's so difficult to keep track of where I am. The only glitch there is that I need to be at a place where I have internet access, and the space and time to blog in the first place. Which is why a 3G device like the Dopod 900 was so appealing I almost splurged RM4000. The idea of being able to write about anything anywhere anytime (as long as there is 3G connectivity la, which apparently is still lacking in Alor Star) is really attractive, especially when my blogging ideas only come forth when I'm in the car, or lying in bed, or am just too tired to drag myself to the nearest PC. And I'm sure I've blogged about this Dopod thingy before, which makes my blogging even more boring than ever - the fact that I'm rehashing blogging ideas.

But using my real name has its cons. For one, there are some things that I really need to vent out which I can't do on these posts because they are also intensely private, or may affect someone close to me. No man is an island, they say. You are someone else's child, spouse, parent, a company employee, a boss or all of the above. Privacy is something you sacrifice, unless you intend to keep two separate blogs for different readers and purposes.

Have a good weekend, people!

1 comment:

realitylane said...

understand your sentiments all too well.

I've been blogging for close to three years now, and I'm sure you'll come to realise this as well, the blog goes through a whole lot of evolution and change along the way. There are phases.

Sometimes I envy others who get 10-20-30 comments per post. I think: sah I in real life takde kawan, kat blog pun takde kawan. I think: I should write like that person, things that this person are saying. Then other times, most times, that doesn't matter at all. Then I think: writing, blogging, i do it not for the comments. I'd like to be original, to be me. One reason I decided to stop being anonymous. Tak puas.

You'll find many bloggers have acquired this (somewhat defensive) mantra: I blog for myself. It's my blog i blog what i want to.

So, dian dear, use your own voice. write your things, your way. I'm reading :-) Cuma tak comment everytime, else you'd think me a stalker.