Tuesday 31 July 2007

Moving in to my new office...

...turns out to be a bit more hectic than I imagined.

For the last couple of weeks (or is it months?), I've been hanging the same To-Do list on my board, and missing all the due dates. Something more urgent keeps popping up, and by the end of the week I'm just too tired to put in any extra days at the office. It got to a point where I just went 'Sod it. They'll be able to manage without me.'

Unfortunately, that's not quite how things worked out. As I mentioned in my earlier post, half of my team were supposed to leave for Bintulu on the 16th. I didn't account for the FAT's in Singapore and US, and also Project Managers bypassing me by giving direct instructions to my team members to go visit vendor factories. So, instead of having one Systems guy and one Field Instruments guy at site to provide me with a buffer from Construction, the Systems guy is all alone having to field queries left, right and centre. And I still have to deal with the spillover.

By Wednesday last week, our network server was disconnected and packed up, all ready to be shipped to Bintulu. Our desktop PC's went along, and so did any documentation bound for the site office. We came in on Thursday morning with not even a telephone left to make any calls, we were basically cut off from the outside world (macam Akedemi Fantasia, Shukor commented). I still had some documents to pack for Dayabumi, and there was a Project Farewell Lunch at Mandarin Oriental that day. For some strange reason we still had an Engineering Meeting on Friday morning, but everyone disappeared after lunch.

I was supposed to check in at Dayabumi on Monday, but I got hit really bad by the flu bug, I was actually wearing thick socks during the day to ward off the cold. By 4 pm my resolve against medical drugs withered and I had to pop a pill to drive away the killer headaches. But now I've got a bad cough from sitting under the AC vent at the new office, it'll probably take another couple of days before my voice goes silky smooth again. Right now gilerr rock.

So now my boxes are unpacked, and all I need to do is get my new company-issued laptop, set up my network connection at the office and I'm ready to serve in my new capacity as Orang Gaji tak bergaji besar who's expected to have the answers to everyone's technical queries.

Hang on, I still have that To Do list to settle. Bleurgh!!!

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