Tuesday 20 February 2007

Back in Malaysia

I'm back.

Well, Ive actually been back for more than a fortnight already, but I was so engrossed in catching up with my sons (how quickly they've grown!) that I just couldn't be bothered about updating the blog. Have been thinking about it lots though, and planning to put up photos and all, but it'll probably turn into a mini tutorial of 'How to Perform Haj and Umrah.'

Anyway, the first question everyone asked me since I've been home is 'How was it?'

It's a really difficult question to answer. There's no one word that describes the feeling, the whole experience of it all. Mega stupendously brilliant doesn't even come close. Because performing Haj is a series of rituals and worshipping acts in so many different places and circumstances, it's so many things added up together - humbling, uplifting, awe-inspiring, sometimes frightening, exciting, peaceful, joyful, sad. I tried explaining it to a friend, but she couldn't understand it. It truly is something you have to experience yourself. So my advice for those of you contemplating the Haj is


And do it while you're still young and healthy and have the energy. Allah knows there are enough elderly people there who need a young helping hand. And some of the rituals can be physically draining. It's not just the act itself (imagine walking across 3 km of cold marble in bare feet - for the men at least, we ladies get to wear socks.) but the fact that there's a sea - no, make it an ocean of humanity doing it with you. I'm probably the most unfit 30-year-old I know, but it's still woprth doing it before you hit the big 4-0.

I'll write more and share photos in my next post. Need to go do my prayers now.


Anonymous said...

Salam Dian,
Alhamdulillah you're back & sihat. Can't wait to read more about your experience in Tanah Suci. Anyway, welcome back and TAHNIAH! Lengkap dah 5 rukun... :)

Anonymous said...

dian..we're waiting bila laa u nak update blog ni..finally..hehe..anyway..tahniah jugak

Anonymous said...

Fatim here...Alhamdulillah dah selamat mengerjakan haji dan selamat pulang :-)