Wednesday 2 March 2005

When the bough breaks, the baby will fall...

Okay, baby wasn't exactly rock-a-byeing on a tree top, but he did fall off the bed in his sleep. Actually I wasn't sure if he was asleep. It was past 1 a.m., and after a nappy change around midnight, Nuaim was simply too restless to fall back into a deep slumber. He kept tossing and turning, and kept scratching the back of his head - I think he must be allergic to something I ate that got through into the milk. His poor Ummi, on the other hand, could hardly keep her eyes open. In the end I thought Sod it. I'm going to sleep. Nuaim can toss and turn until he's too tired and falls asleep all by himself.

Next thing I knew I heard a scream, and woke up to find him missing from the bed. I found him on the floor at the end of the bed (How did he get THERE?), fortunately not visibly hurt.

Tonight, he doesn't sleep on the bed with me anymore. He's in a cot all by himself.

Poor boy.

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